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115 Place Co-operative Housing Association
15 Thorncliffe Park Co-operative Homes
1678 Fort Street Housing Co-operative
175 Cooperative
2 Mascot Place Co-operative Homes
50 Plus Housing Co-operative Inc.
55 Howard Park Co-operative Homes
91 Spencer Avenue Housing Co-operative
Aaron Webster Housing Co-operative
Abbotsford Co-operative Housing
Abby Road Housing Co-operative
ABC Housing Co-operative
Abiwin Co-operative Inc.
Acaxual Housing Group Co-op
Access Housing Co-operative
Acton House Housing Co-operative
Adalca Mobilehome Co-operative
Adam Oliver Housing Co-operative Inc.
Adanac Village Housing Co-operative Society
Agincourt Co-operative Homes Inc.
Agnes Macphail Community Co-operative Homes Inc.
Ahneen Co-operative Homes Inc.
Ainslie Wood Housing Co-operative Inc.
Alberni Family Housing Co-operative
Alberta 75 Housing Co-operative Limited
Albro Court Housing Co-operative
Alder Bay Housing Co-operative
Aldergrove Housing Co-operative
Alex Girvin Housing Co-operative Inc.
Alex Laidlaw Housing Co-operative
Alexander Laidlaw Housing Co-operative
Alexander MacKenzie Housing Co-operative
Alexander Street Co-operative
Alexandra Park Housing Co-operative
Alexandra Wilson
Alf Toone Housing Cooperative
Alfred Haenchen Housing Co-operative
Algoma Residential Co-operative Inc.
Allan Gaudreault
Alliance Housing Co-operative (NS)
Alliance Housing Co-operative (ON)
Almise Co-operative Homes Inc.
Ambleview Place Housing Co-operative
Amicae Housing Cooperative
Amos Housing Co-operative
Anathoth Housing Co-operative
Andes Heritage Co-operative Inc.
Andras Place Housing Co-operative
Andy Andras Housing Co-operative for Seniors Inc.
Angela Boston
Angus Co-operative Homes Inc.
Anita Lewis Housing Co-operative
Ann Marie Hill Housing Co-operative Inc.
Anskar Court Housing Co-operative
Antrim Place Housing Co-operative
Apex Property Management & Consulting Inc.
Apollo Housing Co-operative Society Ltd.
Apple Blossom Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Applegarth Co-operative Homes
Applegate Co-operative Housing
Applegrove Co-operative Homes
Applemead Co-operative Homes Inc.
Appleridge Co-operative Homes Inc.
Arauco Housing Co-operative
Arboretum Housing Co-operative
Arbour Village Co-operative Homes Inc.
Arbutus Housing Cooperative
Arcadia Housing Co-operative Inc.
Argyle Park Housing Co-operative
Arland Mews Housing Co-operative
Arlington Grove Housing Co-operative
Armdale and District Housing Co-operative
Art Burke Housing Co-operative
Artemis Housing Co-op
Artisan Co-operative Homes Inc.
Arts Hub Housing Co-operative
Artspace Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Ascot Co-operative Homes Inc.
Ascot Park Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Asgard Green Co-operative Homes
Ashley Mar Housing Co-operative
Ashwood Co-operative Homes Inc.
Ashworth Square Co-operative
Aspen Woods Co-op
Assiniboia Community Housing Co-op
Assiniboine Credit Union Ltd.
Association des Groupes de Ressources Techniques du Quebec, Bureau de Montreal
Atahualpa Co-operative Homes
Atelier Habitation de Montreal
Athol Green Co-operative Homes Incorporated
Atira Property Management
Atkinson Housing Co-operative Inc.
Atlantic Housing Co-operative
Atlantis Housing Co-operative
Aurora Village Housing Co-operative
Auxilium Properties Inc.
Avalon Housing Co-operative
Aventine Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bain Apartments Housing Co-operative Inc.
Bakerview Housing Co-operative
Balfour Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bamburgh Circle Housing Co-operative
Banbury Cross Housing Co-operative Inc.
Bannerman Green Not-for-profit Housing Co-operative
Barbara Millsap
Barbertown Co-operative Homes Inc.
Barbour Manors Housing Co-operative Society Ltd.
Bard of Avon Housing Co-operative Inc.
Barsa Kelly/Cari-Can Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bayanihan Non-Profit Co-operative Homes Inc.
Beasley Neighborhood Co-operative Homes
Beaver Creek Housing Co-operative Inc.
Beaver Hall Artists' Co-operative Inc.
Beckley Farm Housing Co-operative
Beech Hall Housing Co-operative
Beechwood Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bellamy Housing Co-operative Inc.
Belle River Co-operative Homes Inc.
Belmead Housing Co-operative
Benryk Mews Housing Co-operative
Beothuck Housing Co-operative Society Ltd.
Betelstadur Housing Co-operative
Bethany Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bethune Housing Co-operative Inc.
Better Living Residential Co-operative Inc.
Beverley/Sullivan Housing Co-operative Inc.
Bill White Housing Co-operative
Birch Cliff Housing Co-operative
Birch Glen Co-operative Homes Inc.
Birch Housing Co-operative
Birchwood Meadow Housing Co-operative
Birmingham Homes Co-operative
Birtch Place Co-operative Homes
Black Creek Co-operative Homes Inc.
Black Rose Housing Co-operative
Blue Heron Co-operative Homes Inc.
Blue Skies Housing Co-operative
Blueberry Vale Housing Co-operative
Bluestem Housing Co-operative
Bob and Kay Carlin Housing Co-operative
Bogart Creek Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bonaventure Place Housing Co-op
Border City Co-operative Homes
Border Hills Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Border Towne Co-operative Homes
Borealis Housing Co-operative
Borelia Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bounty Housing Co-operative
Bowen Island Seniors Housing Co-operative
Bowmanville Valley Co-operative Homes
Bracken Heights Housing Co-operative
Brandon Community Welcome Co-operative Clubhouse
Bread and Roses Co-operative Homes (Kitchener) Inc.
Briar Rose Co-operative Homes Inc. (ON)
Briar Rose Estates Housing Co-operative Ltd. (AB)
Briarview Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bridge End Housing Co-operative Inc.
Bridge Housing Co-operative
Bridle Manor Co-operative Incorporated
Bridletowne Circle Co-operative Homes Inc.
Bridlewood Housing Co-operative
Brierly Housing Co-operative
Brighton Yards Housing Co-operative
Brimell Court Co-operative
Britannia Glen Co-operative Homes
Brittany Lane Housing Co-operative
Broad Brook Housing Co-operative
Broadoaks Housing Cooperative
Broadview Housing Co-operative
Broadview Housing Co-operative Inc. (ON)
Brock Seaway Housing Co-operative
Brookfield Housing Co-operative Inc.
Brooks Co-operative Homes Inc.
Brooksford Place Housing Co-operative
Brookside Village Co-operative Homes
Brothers and Sisters Housing Co-operative
Brow of the Hill Housing Co-operative
Bruce Lewis
Bruce Woodrow
Buchan, Lawton, Parent Ltd.
Burlington Heights Housing Co-operative
Burnhamwood Co-operative Homes Inc.
Burquitlam Co-operative Housing Association
Burrardview Housing Co-operative Society
By-de-Molen Co-operative Homes Inc.
Byrne Creek Housing Co-operative
Byron Meadows Community Housing Co-operative
Cabot Housing Co-operative
Cahiague Co-operative Homes Inc.
Cambrian Co-operative Housing Corporation
Cambridge - New Hope Housing Co-operative
Camelot Gardens Housing Co-operative
Camelot Housing Co-operative Society Ltd.
Cameo Co-operative Housing Association
Cameron Avenue Cohousing Co-operative Ltd.
Campden Green Co-operative Homes Inc.
Campus Co-operative Residence Inc. (ON)
Campus Residence Co-operative Association
Cana Management Associates Ltd.
Canadian Hispanic Village Housing Co-operative
Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (C.H.R.A.)
Canora Housing Co-operative
Capeland Housing Co-operative
Capilano Housing Co-operative
Cardiff Housing Co-operative Inc.
Cardinus Housing Co-operative Inc.
Cariboo Heights Housing Co-operative
Caribou Housing Co-operative
Carillon Co-operative Housing Incorporated
Carol Davis
Caroline Co-operative Homes Inc.
Carolyn Hudson
Carpathia Housing Co-operative
Carpenter Housing Co-operative Inc.
Carpenters Local 27 Housing Co-operative Inc.
Carruthers Road Housing Co-operative
Cartier Square Housing Co-operative Inc.
CASA Housing Services Inc.
Castlefrank Co-operative Homes
Castlegreen Housing Co-operative
Catalpa Housing Co-operative
Cataraqui Co-operative Homes Inc.
Cathedral Court Co-operative Homes Corp.
Cathy Kozma
Cavendish Co-operative Homes Inc.
Cawthra Mansions Housing Co-operative
Cedar Mill Housing Co-operative
Cedar Roots Housing Co-operative
Cedarbrook Park Housing Co-operative
Centennial Park Housing Co-operative
Central Dartmouth Housing Co-operative
Central Housing Co-operative
Central Okanagan Co-operative Housing Association
Central Ontario Co-operative Housing Federation
Central Park Housing Co-operative
Central Spryfield Housing Co-operative
Centre Green Co-operative Homes
Centre Village Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Centretown Citizen Housing Co-operative
Chadwick Towers Co-operative Incorporated
Chameleon Housing Co-operative
Chances Housing Co-operative
Changemakers Co-operative Homes (Kitchener) Inc.
Charles Cathedral Housing Co-operative
Charles Court Housing Co-operative
Charles Darrow Housing Co-operative Inc.
Charles Hastings Housing Co-operative Inc.
Charles Square Housing Co-operative
Charleston Terrace Housing Co-operative
Charlie Brooks Housing Co-operative
Chautauqua Co-operative Homes Inc.
Cheam Housing Co-operative
Chegoggin Co-operative Homes Inc.
Chignecto Housing Co-operative Ltd.
China Creek Housing Co-operative
Chisolm Place Housing Co-operative
Chord Housing Co-operative
Church-Isabella Residents Co-operative
City Centre Housing Co-operative
City Edge Housing Co-operative
City Gate Housing Co-operative
City Lights Housing Co-operative
City of Hamilton
City of London Housing Division
City of Ottawa - Housing Branch
City Park Co-operative Apartments
Clairvue Housing Co-operative
Clarendon Hall Co-operative Tenants' Association
Clarion Co-operative Homes
Clearview Housing Co-operative
Clearwater Housing Co-operative
Cliffside Court Housing Co-operative
Cliffside Housing Co-operative
Clintwood Non-profit Housing Co-operative
CoAction Staff Association
Coady Housing Co-operative
Coal Harbour Housing Co-operative
Cobblehill Homes Co-operative Inc.
Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board
COHO Management Services Society
Cole Road Co-operative Community Inc.
College Green Housing Co-operative
College Housing Co-operative
College View Housing Co-operative Inc.
Collingwood Village Housing Co-operative
Columbus Centennial Seniors Co-operative Housing Ltd.
Comfort Living Housing Co-operative
Common Ground Housing Co-operative
Common Ground Housing Co-operative (MB)
Commonage Housing Co-operative
Commonwealth Co-operative Homes
Communitas Group Ltd.
Community Alternatives Housing Co-operative
Community First Developments Inc.
Community Housing Transformation Centre / Centre de transformation du logement communitaire
Community Land Trust Foundation of British Columbia
Compass Nova Scotia Co-operative Homes Ltd.
Concord Housing Co-operative
Confederation Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Confederation quebecoise des cooperatives d'habitation
Connaught Housing Co-operative
Connaught Village Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Conservation Co-operative Homes
Consideration Co-operative Homes Inc.
Consort Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Constance Hamilton Housing Co-operative Incorporated
Coop d'hab. des Anciens Combattants et Veterans
Coop d'habitation des Fonctionnaires Provinciaux á la retraite de Lanaudiere
Cooperative Chalet St. Norbert Ltee.
Cooperative d'habitation "Joyeux Naufrages" deVerdun
Cooperative d'habitation 4 Vents de Chicoutimi
Cooperative d'habitation 5e Saison
Cooperative d'habitation a Coeur Joie
Cooperative d'habitation a l'etage
Cooperative d'habitation a l'Ombre de la Montagne
Cooperative d'habitation Abitibi
Cooperative d'habitation Academie des Saints-Anges
Cooperative d'habitation Acces de Riviere-du-Loup
Cooperative d'habitation Accordeons-Nous
Cooperative d'habitation Action
Cooperative d'habitation Adelard Plourde
Cooperative d'habitation Affiche-Rouge
Cooperative d'habitation Aile-Nord
Cooperative d'habitation Akela
Cooperative d'habitation Alfred Rouleau
Cooperative d'habitation Alize
Cooperative d'habitation Alliance Coposagua
Cooperative d'habitation Alliance Fraternelle
Cooperative d'habitation Alphonse Desjardins (Montreal)
Cooperative d'habitation Amadeus
Cooperative d'habitation Amaryllis
Cooperative d'habitation Amethyste
Cooperative d'habitation Ami St-Michel
Cooperative d'habitation Amicale
Cooperative d'habitation Amitie
Cooperative d'habitation Amitie de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation Andina
Cooperative d'habitation Angoulëme
Cooperative d'habitation Angus
Cooperative d'habitation Aquarium de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Arc-En-Ciel
Cooperative d'habitation Arc-en-Ciel
Cooperative d'habitation Arc-en-ciel Baie Comeau
Cooperative d'habitation Artemis
Cooperative d'habitation Arthur-Chevrier
Cooperative d'habitation Athanor
Cooperative d'habitation au Bon Repos
Cooperative d'habitation au Cap Blanc
Cooperative d'habitation au Coeur de Pointe St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation au Fil de l'eau
Cooperative d'habitation Au Pied de la Montagne
Cooperative d'habitation Aube de Longueuil
Cooperative d'habitation aux 7 Loges d'Hogan
Cooperative d'habitation aux deux oliviers
Cooperative d'habitation aux Mille Fleurs
Cooperative d'habitation aux Mille-Tours
Cooperative d'habitation Aux Portes du 300
Cooperative d'habitation aux Portes du quartier
Cooperative d'habitation Avril
Cooperative d'habitation Baieriveraine
Cooperative d'habitation Balconville
Cooperative d'habitation Ban Mittaphab
Cooperative d'habitation Barclay
Cooperative d'habitation Basse-Cour de St-Jacques
Cooperative d'habitation Beaconsfield
Cooperative d'habitation Beau Lieu
Cooperative d'habitation Beau Rivage
Cooperative d'habitation Beauharnois
Cooperative d'habitation Beauregard de Jonquiere
Cooperative d'habitation Beausejour
Cooperative d'habitation Beausejour de St-Fabien-de-Panet
Cooperative d'habitation Beau-Site (St-Malachie)
Cooperative d'habitation Beau-Sol
Cooperative d'habitation Beausoleil
Cooperative d'habitation Beaux-Jours
Cooperative d'habitation Bedford
Cooperative d'habitation Beginoise
Cooperative d'habitation Bel Accueil
Cooperative d'habitation Bel Air
Cooperative d'habitation Bel Azur
Cooperative d'habitation Bel-Humeur
Cooperative d'habitation Belle etoile
Cooperative d'habitation Belle Lyrette
Cooperative d'habitation Belle Saison
Cooperative d'habitation Belle vie
Cooperative d'habitation Belle Vue
Cooperative d'habitation Bellerive
Cooperative d'habitation Belles Fleures
Cooperative d'habitation Belles Maisons
Cooperative d'habitation Bellevue Bertierville
Cooperative d'habitation Berfran du Pontiac
Cooperative d'habitation Berthe Louard
Cooperative d'habitation Bienvenue de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Bloc du Quatre-Vents
Cooperative d'habitation Bloc Quatre-Vents
Cooperative d'habitation Blue Moon de Pointe St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Bois Vert
Cooperative d'habitation Bon Accueil
Cooperative d'habitation Bon Bec
Cooperative d'habitation Bon Berger
Cooperative d'habitation Bon Vieux Temps
Cooperative d'habitation Bonaventure
Cooperative d'habitation Bonheur de Trois-Rivieres
Cooperative d'habitation Bonheur d'occasion
Cooperative d'habitation Bonne Aventure
Cooperative d'habitation Bonne Entente
Cooperative d'habitation Bonnes Heures
Cooperative d'habitation Bonny
Cooperative d'habitation Bons Amis
Cooperative d'habitation Bons copains
Cooperative d'habitation Bord du Lac
Cooperative d'habitation Boreale
Cooperative d'habitation Bouffard
Cooperative d'habitation Bourret
Cooperative d'habitation Brebeuf
Cooperative d'habitation Brin de Vie de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Bromptonville
Cooperative d'habitation C.H.A.C.V.
Cooperative d'habitation Camaieu
Cooperative d'habitation Canton Batoche
Cooperative d'habitation Carcajou
Cooperative d'habitation Cardinal Leger
Cooperative d'habitation Casse-Noisettes
Cooperative d'habitation Centenaire de Greenfield Park
Cooperative d'habitation Centre de la Foi Eternelle
Cooperative d'habitation Centre ville de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Centre-Ville de St-Felicien
Cooperative d'habitation C'est Pour Moi
Cooperative d'habitation Cete du Quai
Cooperative d'habitation Champa
Cooperative d'habitation Champetre
Cooperative d'habitation Champfleury
Cooperative d'habitation Champigny
Cooperative d'habitation Champlain de Magog
Cooperative d'habitation Champlain III
Cooperative d'habitation Chantignolle
Cooperative d'habitation Chantigny de Hull
Cooperative d'habitation Chasse-Galerie
Cooperative d'habitation Chateau de l'Esplanade
Cooperative d'habitation Chateau en Folie
Cooperative d'habitation Chateau Maribert
Cooperative d'habitation Chatelet des Pionniers de Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation Chemin droit du Richelieu
Cooperative d'habitation Cheminots retraites du CN
Cooperative d'habitation Chez-Nous
Cooperative d'habitation Chez-Nous Chez-Vous
Cooperative d'habitation Chez-Soi
Cooperative d'habitation Chicoutimi
Cooperative d'habitation Chloe
Cooperative d'habitation Christinoise
Cooperative d'habitation Christophe-Colomb
Cooperative d'habitation Chung Hua
Cooperative d'habitation Cinquieme Avenue 1,11,111
Cooperative d'habitation Cinquieme Saison
Cooperative d'habitation Cite des Ondes
Cooperative d'habitation Clair de Lune
Cooperative d'habitation Clair de Lune de Pointe St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Claire Fontaine
Cooperative d'habitation Claire heureuse
Cooperative d'habitation Clan des Pacifistes (le)
Cooperative d'habitation Clermont
Cooperative d'habitation Clifton
Cooperative d'habitation Clin d'oeil
Cooperative d'habitation Cohal
Cooperative d'habitation Coin de la Rue (du)
Cooperative d'habitation Coin du Nord
Cooperative d'habitation Coinso
Cooperative d'habitation Communautaire Eau Vive
Cooperative d'habitation Communautaire La Source
Cooperative d'habitation Co-optation
Cooperative d'habitation Cote Cour
Cooperative d'habitation Cote de la Visitation
Cooperative d'habitation Cote du College
Cooperative d'habitation Cote du Passage
Cooperative d'habitation Cote St-Luc
Cooperative d'habitation Cote Ville de Gatineau
Cooperative d'habitation Cote-Cour-cote-jardin
Cooperative d'habitation Cote-Est
Cooperative d'habitation Coup d'oeil
Cooperative d'habitation Coup d'Pouce
Cooperative d'habitation Coup du Tonnerre
Cooperative d'habitation Cour Fleurie
Cooperative d'habitation Cour-a-Trois
Cooperative d'habitation Creative de St-Kevin
Cooperative d'habitation Cremazie
Cooperative d'habitation Croisiere
Cooperative d'habitation Cyrille Vaillancourt
Cooperative d'habitation d'Aiguillon
Cooperative d'habitation Darling
Cooperative d'habitation D'Artagnan
Cooperative d'habitation Darveau
Cooperative d'habitation De Black Lake
Cooperative d'habitation de Cambronne
Cooperative d'habitation De Chacun
Cooperative d'habitation De Chateauguay
Cooperative d'habitation de Desbiens
Cooperative d'habitation de Dolbeau
Cooperative d'habitation De Girardville
Cooperative d'habitation de Guyenne
Cooperative d'habitation de Jouvence
Cooperative d'habitation de la 42e Rue Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation De la 5e Avenue
Cooperative d'habitation de la Bonne Entente
Cooperative d'habitation De la Bonne Humeur
Cooperative d'habitation De La Chevrotiere
Cooperative d'habitation De la Concorde
Cooperative d'habitation de la Corde a linge
Cooperative d'habitation de La Cote
Cooperative d'habitation de la Falaise
Cooperative d'habitation de la Falaise de Sillery
Cooperative d'habitation de la Fontaine
Cooperative d'habitation de la Gare
Cooperative d'habitation de la Grande Cour Verdunoise
Cooperative d'habitation De la Grande Visite
Cooperative d'habitation de La Lievre
Cooperative d'habitation de la Montagne
Cooperative d'habitation de la Petite Bourgogne
Cooperative d'habitation De la Petite Maison de PSC
Cooperative d'habitation De la Place
Cooperative d'habitation de la Rive Sud de East-Angus
Cooperative d'habitation de la Riviere de Pont-Rouge
Cooperative d'habitation De la Riviere Richelieu
Cooperative d'habitation de la Riviere Rimouski
Cooperative d'habitation de la rue Belair
Cooperative d'habitation De la Rue Charon
Cooperative d'habitation de la rue du Moulin
Cooperative d'habitation De la Rue Gordon a Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation De la rue Lacasse
Cooperative d'habitation de la rue Robin
Cooperative d'habitation De la Rue Rozel de PSC
Cooperative d'habitation de la rue St-Urbain
Cooperative d'habitation de la Seigneurie de Joly
Cooperative d'habitation de la Verdure
Cooperative d'habitation de la Verendrye
Cooperative d'habitation de L'Abri
Cooperative d'habitation de l'Acier
Cooperative d'habitation De Lacolle
Cooperative d'habitation de l'Amitie
Cooperative d'habitation de l'amitie de Granby
Cooperative d'habitation de l'Amitie de Plessisville
Cooperative d'habitation de l'an 2000 de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation De LaSalle
Cooperative d'habitation De L'emeraude
Cooperative d'habitation De l'Hirondelle
Cooperative d'habitation De l'Ile d'Alma
Cooperative d'habitation de Mercier
Cooperative d'habitation de Montmagny
Cooperative d'habitation de Nicolet
Cooperative d'habitation de Padoue
Cooperative d'habitation De Par Ici
Cooperative d'habitation de Port-Cartier
Cooperative d'habitation de Roberval
Cooperative d'habitation de Sabrevois
Cooperative d'habitation de Stanstead
Cooperative d'habitation De Thetford Mines
Cooperative d'habitation Defi 91
Cooperative d'habitation Delinelle
Cooperative d'habitation Demers
Cooperative d'habitation Dequen
Cooperative d'habitation des 4 Coins
Cooperative d'habitation des Arbres
Cooperative d'habitation Des Associes de Longueuil
Cooperative d'habitation des Bois-Francs Inc.
Cooperative d'habitation des Cantons de l'est
Cooperative d'habitation Des Cedres de Baie-Comeau
Cooperative d'habitation des Cent Sous
Cooperative d'habitation Des Chenes
Cooperative d'habitation Des Deux Bords
Cooperative d'habitation des Deux et Quatre d'Amos
Cooperative d'habitation Des Erables
Cooperative d'habitation des Ethnies e Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation des etoiles de Pointe-St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation des Huit Reflets
Cooperative d'habitation des Jonquilles Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation Des Lilas
Cooperative d'habitation des Lilas blancs
Cooperative d'habitation des Moissons
Cooperative d'habitation des Moulins
Cooperative d'habitation des Onze de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation des Ormes
Cooperative d'habitation Des Pieds Noirs
Cooperative d'habitation des Retraites de l'Alcan du sud-ouest
Cooperative d'habitation des Rivieres de Neufchatel
Cooperative d'habitation des Sables
Cooperative d'habitation Des Sebastinois
Cooperative d'habitation des Six d'Amos
Cooperative d'habitation des Travailleurs
Cooperative d'habitation des travailleurs de Coaticook
Cooperative d'habitation des Trois etoiles
Cooperative d'habitation des Trois Pelerins
Cooperative d'habitation Des Voisins de Laval
Cooperative d'habitation Desire
Cooperative d'habitation Desjardins
Cooperative d'habitation Desjardins de La Prairie
Cooperative d'habitation Desloges
Cooperative d'habitation Desormeaux de Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation Deux Ecus
Cooperative d'habitation Deux Rues
Cooperative d'habitation Deux-Rivieres
Cooperative d'habitation Devonshire
Cooperative d'habitation d'habitation de St-Vianney
Cooperative d'habitation Ding & Dong
Cooperative d'habitation Dixie Lachine
Cooperative d'habitation Dollard
Cooperative d'habitation Domaine des Grands Ducs
Cooperative d'habitation Domaine du Paradis
Cooperative d'habitation D'Or
Cooperative d'habitation Double Accord
Cooperative d'habitation du 8295 des Jacinthes
Cooperative d'habitation du Bas de la Cote
Cooperative d'habitation du Bel Avenir de St-Pamphile
Cooperative d'habitation du Bord du Fleuve
Cooperative d'habitation du Boulevard Rosemont
Cooperative d'habitation Du Brasse Camarade
Cooperative d'habitation du Canal de Pointe-St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Du Carrefour
Cooperative d'habitation du Centenaire de Thurso
Cooperative d'habitation du Centre Grand-Mere
Cooperative d'habitation du Chemin
Cooperative d'habitation du Cheneau
Cooperative d'habitation du Chez-Soi
Cooperative d'habitation du Coin
Cooperative d'habitation du College (Montreal)
Cooperative d'habitation du Concerto
Cooperative d'habitation du Confort
Cooperative d'habitation du Coteau
Cooperative d'habitation Du Coteau
Cooperative d'habitation Du Croissant
Cooperative d'habitation Du Domaine
Cooperative d'habitation du Domaine de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Du Faubourg
Cooperative d'habitation du Fleuve
Cooperative d'habitation du Foyer
Cooperative d'habitation Du Futur du PSC
Cooperative d'habitation du Grenier
Cooperative d'habitation du Groupe de 44
Cooperative d'habitation Du Groupe des 12
Cooperative d'habitation du Haut
Cooperative d'habitation du Jardin de Pointe-St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Du Lac (Hull)
Cooperative d'habitation Du Lac-des-Fees
Cooperative d'habitation du Manege
Cooperative d'habitation Du Mieux Vivre en Ville
Cooperative d'habitation du Milieu
Cooperative d'habitation Du Mirage
Cooperative d'habitation du Moulin
Cooperative d'habitation du Nordet
Cooperative d'habitation Du Palier
Cooperative d'habitation du Parc
Cooperative d'habitation Du Parc A. -Schweitzer
Cooperative d'habitation Du Parc Dezery
Cooperative d'habitation Du Parc Lajoie
Cooperative d'habitation Du Parc Marquette
Cooperative d'habitation du Patrimoine d'Iberville
Cooperative d'habitation du Pont
Cooperative d'habitation du Possible
Cooperative d'habitation du Printemps
Cooperative d'habitation du Proletaire
Cooperative d'habitation Du Quartier Naud
Cooperative d'habitation du Quartier St-Jean Baptiste Tracy
Cooperative d'habitation Du Quatre Mai
Cooperative d'habitation du Raccourci
Cooperative d'habitation du Remous
Cooperative d'habitation Du Rocher de Baie-Comeau
Cooperative d'habitation du Rond-coin
Cooperative d'habitation du Rond-Point
Cooperative d'habitation du Sault Beauport
Cooperative d'habitation du Soleil
Cooperative d'habitation du Sourire
Cooperative d'habitation Du Trefle
Cooperative d'habitation du Troisieme Type
Cooperative d'habitation Du Vallon
Cooperative d'habitation du Vallon
Cooperative d'habitation du Verseau
Cooperative d'habitation Du Vieux Longueuil
Cooperative d'habitation Du Vieux Moulin
Cooperative d'habitation du Vieux Moulin
Cooperative d'habitation du Vieux Quartier
Cooperative d'habitation du Vieux Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation du Vieux Village
Cooperative d'habitation Dudley
Cooperative d'habitation Dufresne
Cooperative d'habitation Dumoulin
Cooperative d'habitation eco-Concept
Cooperative d'habitation elaine de Laval
Cooperative d'habitation elan de St-Henri
Cooperative d'habitation emile
Cooperative d'habitation En Menage
Cooperative d'habitation Enfin Chez-Nous
Cooperative d'habitation Ensoleillee
Cooperative d'habitation Entraide de Magog
Cooperative d'habitation Entr'Amis
Cooperative d'habitation Entre-Nous
Cooperative d'habitation equilibre de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation erable CHI
Cooperative d'habitation Ernest Chapleau
Cooperative d'habitation Espaces verts
Cooperative d'habitation Espoir
Cooperative d'habitation Ethel de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation etincelle de Vie
Cooperative d'habitation etoile du Sud
Cooperative d'habitation Eureka de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Familiale Hochelaga
Cooperative d'habitation Fascination Pointe-St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Faubourg Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Faux-Bourg de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Fer-a-Cheval
Cooperative d'habitation Feu Vert
Cooperative d'habitation Feuille de printemps
Cooperative d'habitation Fief
Cooperative d'habitation Fircader de Lavronche
Cooperative d'habitation Fleur de Lys de Longueuil
Cooperative d'habitation Fleur de Lys de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Fleurs Aders
Cooperative d'habitation Fleurs Bombardier
Cooperative d'habitation Fou-Rire du Sud-Ouest
Cooperative d'habitation Futambule (le)
Cooperative d'habitation Gabriel Ltee.
Cooperative d'habitation Galejade de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Gamins Gamines
Cooperative d'habitation Gemini
Cooperative d'habitation Gens du Pays
Cooperative d'habitation George & Elizabeth
Cooperative d'habitation Ginette De Lagrave
Cooperative d'habitation Girardins
Cooperative d'habitation Girod Telle
Cooperative d'habitation Giron d'Aile
Cooperative d'habitation Goyer
Cooperative d'habitation Grand Portage
Cooperative d'habitation Grandbourg
Cooperative d'habitation Grandchasou
Cooperative d'habitation Grande echelle de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation Grande Maison de PSC
Cooperative d'habitation Grande-Riviere
Cooperative d'habitation Grandir en Ville
Cooperative d'habitation Guadeloupe
Cooperative d'habitation Guai Luron
Cooperative d'habitation Guatemala
Cooperative d'habitation H.B.L.
Cooperative d'habitation Habisol
Cooperative d'habitation Habitanou
Cooperative d'habitation Habitat
Cooperative d'habitation Habitat 2000
Cooperative d'habitation Habitat St-Denis
Cooperative d'habitation Haitienne
Cooperative d'habitation Harmonie
Cooperative d'habitation Harricana (d'Amos)
Cooperative d'habitation Haus Der Heimat
Cooperative d'habitation Hevre en Ville de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation Hispano-America
Cooperative d'habitation Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
Cooperative d'habitation Hogan Hogan
Cooperative d'habitation Horizon dore
Cooperative d'habitation Horizons nouveaux
Cooperative d'habitation Ideal
Cooperative d'habitation Ie 400 Riel
Cooperative d'habitation ile de Paques
Cooperative d'habitation Imprevu I et Ii
Cooperative d'habitation Innovatrice (l')
Cooperative d'habitation Jardin du Soleil
Cooperative d'habitation Jardin Rivoli
Cooperative d'habitation Jeanne d'Arc
Cooperative d'habitation Jeanne-Mance
Cooperative d'habitation Jeanneville
Cooperative d'habitation Jeannotte
Cooperative d'habitation Jean-Paul Ii
Cooperative d'habitation Jerome Leroyer de Ladauversiere
Cooperative d'habitation Joie de Vivre
Cooperative d'habitation Joie de vivre de Pointe St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Joins-Toit de Farnham
Cooperative d'habitation Jolibourg
Cooperative d'habitation Jolicoin
Cooperative d'habitation Joyeux Lurons de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation Kamouraska
Cooperative d'habitation Katerie
Cooperative d'habitation La Baronnie de Longeuil
Cooperative d'habitation la Belle Saison
Cooperative d'habitation la Belle Vie de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation la Boite a Surprise
Cooperative d'habitation la Bonne Aventure de Saint-Rodrigue
Cooperative d'habitation La Bonne Aventure de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation La Bonne Entente
Cooperative d'habitation la Bonne Entente de St-Rodrigue
Cooperative d'habitation La Bonne etoile
Cooperative d'habitation la Boutonniere
Cooperative d'habitation La Brise des Islets
Cooperative d'habitation la Buissonniere
Cooperative d'habitation la Cathedrale de Lanaudiere
Cooperative d'habitation la Chambranle
Cooperative d'habitation la Chanterelle
Cooperative d'habitation la Charmille
Cooperative d'habitation la Chatelaine de Dolbeau
Cooperative d'habitation La Chaumiere d'Alma
Cooperative d'habitation La Chaumine
Cooperative d'habitation la Clairiere (Laval)
Cooperative d'habitation la Clarisse
Cooperative d'habitation la Cle des Champs
Cooperative d'habitation La Colombe
Cooperative d'habitation la Colombe de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation La Communale
Cooperative d'habitation La Complaisante
Cooperative d'habitation La Cooperateque
Cooperative d'habitation La Coquille
Cooperative d'habitation la Corniche
Cooperative d'habitation la Corvee de Saint-Camille
Cooperative d'habitation la Coulee Douce
Cooperative d'habitation la Croisee d'Alma
Cooperative d'habitation la Detente
Cooperative d'habitation la Detente de Windsor
Cooperative d'habitation La Esperanza
Cooperative d'habitation la Fameuse
Cooperative d'habitation la Familiale
Cooperative d'habitation la Felouque
Cooperative d'habitation La Fidele
Cooperative d'habitation la Folle du Logis
Cooperative d'habitation La Galerie
Cooperative d'habitation la Garenne
Cooperative d'habitation la Goëlette
Cooperative d'habitation La Grande Porte
Cooperative d'habitation La Grande'Voile de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation la Jeannoisede Roberval
Cooperative d'habitation La Jerobelle de Bellefeuille
Cooperative d'habitation La Jurande
Cooperative d'habitation La Legende
Cooperative d'habitation la Licorne
Cooperative d'habitation La Loge
Cooperative d'habitation La Lucarne
Cooperative d'habitation La Lydianne
Cooperative d'habitation la Maison Communautaire de Joliette
Cooperative d'habitation la Maison de Corfou
Cooperative d'habitation la Maison de l'amitie
Cooperative d'habitation la Maisonnee
Cooperative d'habitation La Maisonnee de Plessiville
Cooperative d'habitation la Mansarde
Cooperative d'habitation la Manufacture de Pointe St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation La Maree
Cooperative d'habitation la Maree Haute
Cooperative d'habitation La Mariniere
Cooperative d'habitation La Mer
Cooperative d'habitation la Mitis
Cooperative d'habitation la Montee
Cooperative d'habitation la Paroissienne
Cooperative d'habitation la Pause-Cafe
Cooperative d'habitation la Pente Douce
Cooperative d'habitation la Petite Cite
Cooperative d'habitation la Petite ecole
Cooperative d'habitation la Petite Fabrique
Cooperative d'habitation La Petite Hutchison
Cooperative d'habitation La Pigeonniere
Cooperative d'habitation La Pionniere
Cooperative d'habitation la Poudriere
Cooperative d'habitation la Printaniere
Cooperative d'habitation La Promenade
Cooperative d'habitation la Providence
Cooperative d'habitation La Relance de Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation la Renaissance
Cooperative d'habitation la Revelation
Cooperative d'habitation La Rive Gauche de Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation la Rose des Vents
Cooperative d'habitation La Roseraie d'Outremont
Cooperative d'habitation La Roucoule
Cooperative d'habitation la Ruche
Cooperative d'habitation la Rumeur
Cooperative d'habitation La Saluade
Cooperative d'habitation la Sauvegarde du Lac-au-Saumon
Cooperative d'habitation la Serre de Gaspe
Cooperative d'habitation la Solidarite 510
Cooperative d'habitation La Source
Cooperative d'habitation La Source de Chicoutimi
Cooperative d'habitation la Tannerie
Cooperative d'habitation la Tirelle
Cooperative d'habitation la Tour des Alentours
Cooperative d'habitation la Tourmaline de Longueuil
Cooperative d'habitation La Trouvaille
Cooperative d'habitation la Vie en Ville
Cooperative d'habitation la Villa des Arcades
Cooperative d'habitation La Villa Drummond
Cooperative d'habitation la Villa du Bonheur de Gentilly
Cooperative d'habitation La Villa Robinson
Cooperative d'habitation la Voie Lactee
Cooperative d'habitation La Voliere
Cooperative d'habitation Labadie
Cooperative d'habitation Labelle
Cooperative d'habitation Lac St-Francois
Cooperative d'habitation Lac St-Jean Roberval
Cooperative d'habitation Lac St-Louis de Lachine
Cooperative d'habitation l'Accord de L'Ancienne-Lorette
Cooperative d'habitation l'Accueil de Longueuil
Cooperative d'habitation l'Accueil de St-Jean-Port-Joli
Cooperative d'habitation Lachine ouest
Cooperative d'habitation l'Actuel
Cooperative d'habitation Lafontaine
Cooperative d'habitation Lafontaine inc.
Cooperative d'habitation l'Aigle Blanc
Cooperative d'habitation l'Air du Temps
Cooperative d'habitation Laliberte
Cooperative d'habitation L'Alliance
Cooperative d'habitation L'Alliance Familiale de Joliette
Cooperative d'habitation l'Alternative
Cooperative d'habitation L'Alternative
Cooperative d'habitation l'Amitie
Cooperative d'habitation L'Amitie
Cooperative d'habitation L'Amitie de Nicolet
Cooperative d'habitation Lamontagne
Cooperative d'habitation l'Ancolie
Cooperative d'habitation Lanjevine
Cooperative d'habitation L'Anse aux Bateaux
Cooperative d'habitation L'Anse de la Pocatiere
Cooperative d'habitation L'Aquarelle de Gaspe Inc.
Cooperative d'habitation l'Archange
Cooperative d'habitation l'Arche de Noe
Cooperative d'habitation l'Atre de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation l'Aube de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Laurier
Cooperative d'habitation Laval
Cooperative d'habitation l'Avancement
Cooperative d'habitation l'Avant-Garde
Cooperative d'habitation l'Avant-Gardiste
Cooperative d'habitation l'Avenir de Pointe St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Laverniere
Cooperative d'habitation Le 751
Cooperative d'habitation le 79 Boucherville
Cooperative d'habitation Le Baron
Cooperative d'habitation le Bel Horizon
Cooperative d'habitation le Bercail de Chicoutimi
Cooperative d'habitation le Bocage
Cooperative d'habitation Le Bocage
Cooperative d'habitation le Boise
Cooperative d'habitation Le Boise du Campus
Cooperative d'habitation le Bon Vivant
Cooperative d'habitation Le Bonheur
Cooperative d'habitation Le Bonheur prochain
Cooperative d'habitation Le Bonheur Santisouk
Cooperative d'habitation le Cagelais
Cooperative d'habitation le Calembour
Cooperative d'habitation Le Campagnard
Cooperative d'habitation le Carrefour
Cooperative d'habitation le Carrefour Alma
Cooperative d'habitation Le Chalutier
Cooperative d'habitation le Chateau
Cooperative d'habitation le Chatelet
Cooperative d'habitation Le Colombier
Cooperative d'habitation le Communord
Cooperative d'habitation le Concept Ste-Therese
Cooperative d'habitation Le Concorde d'Alma
Cooperative d'habitation le Coteau d'Esprit-Saint
Cooperative d'habitation Le Dolmen
Cooperative d'habitation le Domaine de Champlain
Cooperative d'habitation le Domaine de Maniwaki
Cooperative d'habitation le Domaine des Pionniers
Cooperative d'habitation Le Duo
Cooperative d'habitation le Faisan Bleu
Cooperative d'habitation Le Faubourg St-Louis
Cooperative d'habitation le Fief de St-Augustin
Cooperative d'habitation Le Fief du Mentor
Cooperative d'habitation le Fil d'Ariane
Cooperative d'habitation Le Giron de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation le Gite de Beauport
Cooperative d'habitation le Gite du Nord
Cooperative d'habitation Le Goëland
Cooperative d'habitation Le Grand Quatre
Cooperative d'habitation le Hameau d'Alma
Cooperative d'habitation le Laurier (Beauport)
Cooperative d'habitation Le Lien de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation le Lion l'epiphanie
Cooperative d'habitation le Manoir des Pins d'Alma
Cooperative d'habitation le Marinier de Bienville
Cooperative d'habitation Le Marquis de Nicolet
Cooperative d'habitation le Marquis Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu
Cooperative d'habitation le Martinet
Cooperative d'habitation le Mistral
Cooperative d'habitation Le Monde a l'Envers de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Le Monde Ordinaire
Cooperative d'habitation le Mont Calme
Cooperative d'habitation le Moulin des Cedres
Cooperative d'habitation Le Nid
Cooperative d'habitation le Palmier deconnecte
Cooperative d'habitation le Parchemin
Cooperative d'habitation Le Partage
Cooperative d'habitation le Partage
Cooperative d'habitation le Pascal
Cooperative d'habitation le Pentagone
Cooperative d'habitation Le Petit Bonheur
Cooperative d'habitation Le Petit Matin
Cooperative d'habitation Le Petit Soleil
Cooperative d'habitation le Petit Village
Cooperative d'habitation le Plateau (Montreal)
Cooperative d'habitation Le Plateau des Pins
Cooperative d'habitation le Plein Bonheur
Cooperative d'habitation Le Portage
Cooperative d'habitation Le Progres
Cooperative d'habitation le Progres de Pointe St. Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Le P'tit Bloc
Cooperative d'habitation Le Quartier du College
Cooperative d'habitation le Radoub de Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation Le Rayon de Soleil
Cooperative d'habitation le Reflet
Cooperative d'habitation Le Reflet de PSC
Cooperative d'habitation le Refuge
Cooperative d'habitation le Relais de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation le Renouveau
Cooperative d'habitation le Retour a l'ecole
Cooperative d'habitation le Rocher Perce
Cooperative d'habitation le Rouet
Cooperative d'habitation Le Ruisseau
Cooperative d'habitation Le Sentier
Cooperative d'habitation le Site Rocailleux
Cooperative d'habitation le Soleil de Linton
Cooperative d'habitation le Soleil-Levant de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Le Sommet
Cooperative d'habitation Le Sommet Vert
Cooperative d'habitation Le Sourire
Cooperative d'habitation Le Succes de Pointe-St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Le Tourbillon
Cooperative d'habitation le Tourbillon
Cooperative d'habitation Le Tournesol
Cooperative d'habitation le Trait d'Union Gatineau
Cooperative d'habitation Le Trianon
Cooperative d'habitation le Vaudreuil
Cooperative d'habitation Le Village 5161 Walkley
Cooperative d'habitation le Village 8540 Champagneur
Cooperative d'habitation le Voisinage de Lavaltrie
Cooperative d'habitation L'ebene
Cooperative d'habitation l'echouerie
Cooperative d'habitation L'ecluse
Cooperative d'habitation L'eclypse de Pointe St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation L'ecole Buissoniere
Cooperative d'habitation l'eden du Quartier
Cooperative d'habitation Legare-Dupuis
Cooperative d'habitation L'Embellie
Cooperative d'habitation L'Engouement
Cooperative d'habitation l'En-Trac
Cooperative d'habitation L'Entre-Gens
Cooperative d'habitation l'Entrepont
Cooperative d'habitation l'Entre-Six (Montreal)
Cooperative d'habitation l'Entretoit de Trois-Rivieres
Cooperative d'habitation l'Envol
Cooperative d'habitation l'Envolee
Cooperative d'habitation Les 4 Saisons
Cooperative d'habitation les Abeilles
Cooperative d'habitation Les Aines de Dosquet
Cooperative d'habitation Les Aines de St-Laurent
Cooperative d'habitation les Alexandrins
Cooperative d'habitation les Ameriques
Cooperative d'habitation les Amis de la Cote
Cooperative d'habitation les Amis-Ball
Cooperative d'habitation Les Arpents Verts
Cooperative d'habitation les Audacieux
Cooperative d'habitation les Audacieux de Lejeune
Cooperative d'habitation Les Aulnaies d'Hebertville
Cooperative d'habitation les Balcons fleuris de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Les Bons Amis
Cooperative d'habitation les Bons Amis
Cooperative d'habitation les Bons Vivants
Cooperative d'habitation les Bons Voisins
Cooperative d'habitation les Bordages
Cooperative d'habitation Les Buissons
Cooperative d'habitation Les Camarades
Cooperative d'habitation Les Cedres de Longueuil
Cooperative d'habitation les Cinq Continents
Cooperative d'habitation les Citoyens Unis
Cooperative d'habitation Les Colonnes
Cooperative d'habitation les Cooperants
Cooperative d'habitation Les Copains
Cooperative d'habitation Les Determines de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation les Deux emeraudes
Cooperative d'habitation Les Deux Voisins
Cooperative d'habitation les douze du cap
Cooperative d'habitation les Dynamiques
Cooperative d'habitation les Enfants Terribles
Cooperative d'habitation Les Gens d'Ici
Cooperative d'habitation les Gens heureux
Cooperative d'habitation Les Gens Heureux
Cooperative d'habitation Les Goelands de la Petite Patri
Cooperative d'habitation les grands espaces
Cooperative d'habitation Les Habitations sympathique de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation Les Habitations Sympathiques
Cooperative d'habitation Les Hubertins
Cooperative d'habitation Les Jardins
Cooperative d'habitation les Maisons de Sable
Cooperative d'habitation Les Moineaux et les Pinsons
Cooperative d'habitation Les Narcisses
Cooperative d'habitation Les Naufrages de Pointe-St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Les Neiges
Cooperative d'habitation les Oasis de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation les Optimistes de Longueil
Cooperative d'habitation les Ormes de Goyer
Cooperative d'habitation Les Perce-Neige
Cooperative d'habitation les Pionniers
Cooperative d'habitation Les Pionniers Maniwaki
Cooperative d'habitation les Pistolets
Cooperative d'habitation les Portes Ouvertes
Cooperative d'habitation les Portes Tournantes
Cooperative d'habitation Les Preludes
Cooperative d'habitation les Primeveres
Cooperative d'habitation Les Pyramides de Hauterive
Cooperative d'habitation les Rapides de la Gatineau
Cooperative d'habitation les Residences de la Riviere du Chene
Cooperative d'habitation les Retraite St-Lazare
Cooperative d'habitation les Riverains
Cooperative d'habitation les Riverains de Coaticook
Cooperative d'habitation les Six Balcons
Cooperative d'habitation les Tenaces
Cooperative d'habitation Les Tourelles
Cooperative d'habitation Les Trois As
Cooperative d'habitation les Trois D
Cooperative d'habitation les Trois etoiles
Cooperative d'habitation Les Trois Maisons
Cooperative d'habitation les Trois Portages
Cooperative d'habitation Les Uns et les Autres de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Les Voisins
Cooperative d'habitation Les Zonards
Cooperative d'habitation L'Escale
Cooperative d'habitation l'Escargot
Cooperative d'habitation L'Esperance de Valleyfield
Cooperative d'habitation L'Esplanade
Cooperative d'habitation l'Espoir
Cooperative d'habitation L'Espoir
Cooperative d'habitation l'etoile du Nord
Cooperative d'habitation l'eveil de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation l'Harmonie de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation l'Hirondelle
Cooperative d'habitation l'Horizon
Cooperative d'habitation L'Horizon
Cooperative d'habitation l'Imprevu de Donnacona
Cooperative d'habitation L'Inattendue
Cooperative d'habitation l'Infidele
Cooperative d'habitation L'Infini
Cooperative d'habitation L'Intermede de Louiseville
Cooperative d'habitation Lionel-Groulx
Cooperative d'habitation l'Oasis de Limoilou
Cooperative d'habitation L'Oasis du Sud-Ouest
Cooperative d'habitation l'Odyssee
Cooperative d'habitation L'Odyssee
Cooperative d'habitation Loge Unis
Cooperative d'habitation Logeme-Loge
Cooperative d'habitation Logement Baroque
Cooperative d'habitation Logement Barque
Cooperative d'habitation Logement Va
Cooperative d'habitation Logements Idoines
Cooperative d'habitation Logeons Nos aines
Cooperative d'habitation Logereste de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Logi-Cile
Cooperative d'habitation Logimage
Cooperative d'habitation Loginaud
Cooperative d'habitation Loginois Beauharnois
Cooperative d'habitation Logis
Cooperative d'habitation Logis d'Or d'Armagh
Cooperative d'habitation L'Opera
Cooperative d'habitation Lorenzo-Genest
Cooperative d'habitation l'Orient
Cooperative d'habitation Los Andes
Cooperative d'habitation Lotus
Cooperative d'habitation Louis-Cyr de St-Henri
Cooperative d'habitation Louis-Hector de Calliere
Cooperative d'habitation Louis-Veuillot
Cooperative d'habitation Lucien Villeneuve
Cooperative d'habitation Ludovica
Cooperative d'habitation Lumiere de la vie de Boisbriand
Cooperative d'habitation L'Union
Cooperative d'habitation L'Unisson
Cooperative d'habitation Macadam Lachine
Cooperative d'habitation Maison de la Paix
Cooperative d'habitation Maison D'Oz
Cooperative d'habitation Maison du Reve
Cooperative d'habitation Malgre Tout de St-Henri
Cooperative d'habitation Malle Baye
Cooperative d'habitation Margaret Morris
Cooperative d'habitation Marguerite-Belley de Jonquiere
Cooperative d'habitation Marie-Crevier
Cooperative d'habitation Maskou de St-Hyacinthe
Cooperative d'habitation Mercier Asbestos
Cooperative d'habitation Metabetchouan
Cooperative d'habitation Meunier Noir
Cooperative d'habitation Michel-Sarrazin (Cartierville Ii)
Cooperative d'habitation Milieu du Monde
Cooperative d'habitation Milton Parc
Cooperative d'habitation Mine de rien
Cooperative d'habitation Mirabel
Cooperative d'habitation Mission Latina
Cooperative d'habitation Module 8-80 du Cap
Cooperative d'habitation mon Logis
Cooperative d'habitation Mon logis
Cooperative d'habitation Mon Sejour de St-Pascal de Kamour
Cooperative d'habitation Mon Toit
Cooperative d'habitation Monoique
Cooperative d'habitation Monseigneur Bruneault
Cooperative d'habitation Monseigneur Ferland
Cooperative d'habitation Mont-Bleu
Cooperative d'habitation Montcalm I
Cooperative d'habitation Monteregie
Cooperative d'habitation Montrose de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Multi-Carrefour
Cooperative d'habitation Multiculturelle Coeur a Coeur
Cooperative d'habitation Multi-Ethnique de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Neerlandaise de Montreal Metropolitain
Cooperative d'habitation Nid D'Amour
Cooperative d'habitation Nolin d'Alma
Cooperative d'habitation Nordique
Cooperative d'habitation Nord-Ouest
Cooperative d'habitation Nord-Sud
Cooperative d'habitation Nos Reves
Cooperative d'habitation Notre Defi
Cooperative d'habitation Notre Maison
Cooperative d'habitation notre Quartier
Cooperative d'habitation Notre-Dame de la Garde
Cooperative d'habitation Notre-Dame-de-Fatima
Cooperative d'habitation Notre-Dame-de-Foy
Cooperative d'habitation Nouveau Depart
Cooperative d'habitation Nouveau Monde
Cooperative d'habitation Nouveau Sengsavang
Cooperative d'habitation Nouvelle Avenue d'Iberville
Cooperative d'habitation Nouvelle Decouverte
Cooperative d'habitation Nouvelle ere
Cooperative d'habitation Oasis
Cooperative d'habitation Oasis St-Jean-Baptiste
Cooperative d'habitation Objectif Chez-Nous
Cooperative d'habitation Oiseau bleu
Cooperative d'habitation Olymphia
Cooperative d'habitation On s'en occupe
Cooperative d'habitation Orchidee
Cooperative d'habitation Orniere des Rivieres
Cooperative d'habitation Oserake
Cooperative d'habitation Osmose
Cooperative d'habitation Ouimet
Cooperative d'habitation Pablo Neruda
Cooperative d'habitation Pageau du Christ-Roi
Cooperative d'habitation Pain de ce Jour
Cooperative d'habitation Parc Beausoleil
Cooperative d'habitation Parc St-Henri
Cooperative d'habitation Parc Therrien
Cooperative d'habitation Parc Vert
Cooperative d'habitation Parthen'air
Cooperative d'habitation Partout
Cooperative d'habitation Pas-a-Pas
Cooperative d'habitation Passe-Partout
Cooperative d'habitation Pavillon du Sud-ouest (Montreal)
Cooperative d'habitation Paxane Mit
Cooperative d'habitation Pele-Mele
Cooperative d'habitation Pere Divet
Cooperative d'habitation Pere Pageau
Cooperative d'habitation Perle de Villeray
Cooperative d'habitation Petite Cote
Cooperative d'habitation Petite Patrie
Cooperative d'habitation Petunia
Cooperative d'habitation Peuplier
Cooperative d'habitation Philemon
Cooperative d'habitation Phoenix
Cooperative d'habitation Pie IX-Beaubien
Cooperative d'habitation Pied a Terre
Cooperative d'habitation Pie-IX - Denis-Papin
Cooperative d'habitation Pierre Boucher du Cap
Cooperative d'habitation Pierre-Lemoyne d'Iberville
Cooperative d'habitation Pignon de Cartier
Cooperative d'habitation Pile ou Face
Cooperative d'habitation Place de la Riviere
Cooperative d'habitation Place des Erables
Cooperative d'habitation Place des Lilas
Cooperative d'habitation Place du College
Cooperative d'habitation Place du Nord
Cooperative d'habitation Place Germain
Cooperative d'habitation Place Goyer
Cooperative d'habitation Place Lapierre
Cooperative d'habitation Place Morgan
Cooperative d'habitation Place Mozart
Cooperative d'habitation Place Neuviale
Cooperative d'habitation Place Notre-Dame-de-Foy
Cooperative d'habitation Place Orleans
Cooperative d'habitation Place Rene-Philippe
Cooperative d'habitation Place Soleil
Cooperative d'habitation Place Vercheres
Cooperative d'habitation Plamondon
Cooperative d'habitation Plein Soleil de Maria
Cooperative d'habitation Pleine-Lune
Cooperative d'habitation Pointe a Carcy
Cooperative d'habitation Pointe du Lac
Cooperative d'habitation Populaire de Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation Porte-Bonheur
Cooperative d'habitation Portes Ouvertes
Cooperative d'habitation Prince-Arthur
Cooperative d'habitation Progressive de Richmond
Cooperative d'habitation Quartier Latin
Cooperative d'habitation Rabaska
Cooperative d'habitation Rayon Bleu
Cooperative d'habitation Rayon d'Espoir
Cooperative d'habitation Rayon l'Avenir
Cooperative d'habitation Reboul
Cooperative d'habitation Refuge du Goëland
Cooperative d'habitation Regain de Vie
Cooperative d'habitation Renaissance
Cooperative d'habitation Residence Cooperative 4 Soleils
Cooperative d'habitation Residence Ellice
Cooperative d'habitation Residence Soleil
Cooperative d'habitation Riviere Bleue
Cooperative d'habitation Riviere-des-Prairies
Cooperative d'habitation Ropery
Cooperative d'habitation Rose et Bleu
Cooperative d'habitation RoseMontreal
Cooperative d'habitation Rossignol
Cooperative d'habitation Rouen-Frontenac
Cooperative d'habitation Royale de Shawinigan
Cooperative d'habitation Royale Maisonneuve
Cooperative d'habitation Rubis-Bloc
Cooperative d'habitation rue des Artistes
Cooperative d'habitation Rue des Artistes
Cooperative d'habitation Rue Matte
Cooperative d'habitation Ruisseau des plants
Cooperative d'habitation Saint-Louis
Cooperative d'habitation Saint-Paul de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Samuel 1er
Cooperative d'habitation Sans Detour
Cooperative d'habitation Sans Nom de Cote St-Paul
Cooperative d'habitation Sault-au-Recollet
Cooperative d'habitation Savoir Vivre
Cooperative d'habitation Schefflera
Cooperative d'habitation Septieme Ciel
Cooperative d'habitation Septimo Cielo
Cooperative d'habitation Shalom
Cooperative d'habitation Shamrock de Pointe-St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation Sicotte
Cooperative d'habitation Sillon d'Anjou
Cooperative d'habitation Six Soleils
Cooperative d'habitation Skanagowa
Cooperative d'habitation Soksay
Cooperative d'habitation Sol Vie Vent
Cooperative d'habitation Soleil
Cooperative d'habitation Soleil Levant
Cooperative d'habitation Solidarite de Beauport
Cooperative d'habitation Solidarite du Sud-Ouest
Cooperative d'habitation Solveil
Cooperative d'habitation Sorel
Cooperative d'habitation Soulevant de Riviere-Ouelle
Cooperative d'habitation Sourire a la Vie
Cooperative d'habitation Sous Mon Toit
Cooperative d'habitation St. Georges Housing Co-operative
Cooperative d'habitation St.-Augustin
Cooperative d'habitation Stadacona
Cooperative d'habitation St-Charles
Cooperative d'habitation St-Charles-de-Bourget
Cooperative d'habitation St-Denis
Cooperative d'habitation St-Dominique
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Angele de Trois-Riviere
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Anne
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Berthe
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Cecile
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Cecile du Bic
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Dorothee
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Dorothee de Laval
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Famille
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Famille du Cap
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Madeleine du Cap
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Marie
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Rose-de-Watford
Cooperative d'habitation Ste-Therese
Cooperative d'habitation St-etienne-de-Lauzon
Cooperative d'habitation St-Eugene
Cooperative d'habitation St-Fidele
Cooperative d'habitation St-Gabriel
Cooperative d'habitation St-Gabriel de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation St-Georges de Jonquiere
Cooperative d'habitation St-Georges-de-Beauce
Cooperative d'habitation St-Gregoire
Cooperative d'habitation St-Honore
Cooperative d'habitation St-Hyacinthe
Cooperative d'habitation Stirling de LaSalle
Cooperative d'habitation St-Jean-Eudes
Cooperative d'habitation St-Joseph
Cooperative d'habitation St-Joseph de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation St-Laurent de Tracy
Cooperative d'habitation St-Louis-de-France
Cooperative d'habitation St-Louis-de-Gonzague
Cooperative d'habitation St-Maxime-de-Scott
Cooperative d'habitation St-Michel
Cooperative d'habitation St-Patrick de Coleraine
Cooperative d'habitation St-Philippe
Cooperative d'habitation St-Robert
Cooperative d'habitation St-Roch
Cooperative d'habitation St-Sauveur de Quebec
Cooperative d'habitation St-Vianney
Cooperative d'habitation sur le Seuil
Cooperative d'habitation sur l'ile
Cooperative d'habitation Sylvestre et Ferland
Cooperative d'habitation Terrasse Joliot Curie
Cooperative d'habitation Terrasse Soleil
Cooperative d'habitation Terrasses Chambord
Cooperative d'habitation Terrasses des Copains
Cooperative d'habitation Terrasses du Vieux-Fort
Cooperative d'habitation Terre Promise
Cooperative d'habitation Theodore
Cooperative d'habitation Toit et Moi
Cooperative d'habitation Toits Unis
Cooperative d'habitation Tournedos
Cooperative d'habitation Tournesoleil
Cooperative d'habitation Tout Hasard de Montreal
Cooperative d'habitation Trait d'Union
Cooperative d'habitation Trefle bleu
Cooperative d'habitation Treizieme Avenue Nord de Sherbrooke
Cooperative d'habitation Tremblay de St-Honore
Cooperative d'habitation Trois-Galeries
Cooperative d'habitation Troubadours de Verdun
Cooperative d'habitation Un Pied Dans Porte
Cooperative d'habitation Unie des 46
Cooperative d'habitation Union de Paradis
Cooperative d'habitation Union Mutuelle
Cooperative d'habitation Val Tetreau
Cooperative d'habitation Valbour
Cooperative d'habitation Val-Des-Bois
Cooperative d'habitation Vallee St-Francois
Cooperative d'habitation Valois de Rouen
Cooperative d'habitation Van Horne
Cooperative d'habitation Vanier
Cooperative d'habitation Varsovie
Cooperative d'habitation Vent d'est
Cooperative d'habitation Vent du Sud
Cooperative d'habitation Verseau Anjou
Cooperative d'habitation Victor Barbeau
Cooperative d'habitation Vie de Quartier
Cooperative d'habitation Vie Nouvelle de Beauport
Cooperative d'habitation Vierge Altagrace
Cooperative d'habitation Vieux Couvent de Montmagny
Cooperative d'habitation Villa Bonheur
Cooperative d'habitation Villa des Fleurs
Cooperative d'habitation Villa Marcotte
Cooperative d'habitation Villa Nobert
Cooperative d'habitation Villa St-Gabriel
Cooperative d'habitation Villa Trois etoiles
Cooperative d'habitation Village de Cote-des-neige
Cooperative d'habitation Ville-Marie
Cooperative d'habitation Villerose
Cooperative d'habitation Vivre Ensemble
Cooperative d'habitation Voisins
Cooperative d'habitation Voisins-Voisines
Cooperative d'habitation Voliere de Granby
Cooperative d'habitation Voyer
Cooperative d'habitation Walkley
Cooperative d'habitation Wurtele
Cooperative d'habitation Zephyr
Co-operative Homes of Prosperity and Equality Inc.
Co-operative Housing Association of Eastern Ontario
Co-operative Housing Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
Co-operative Housing Co-ordinators Hamilton-Niagara Area
Co-operative Housing Federation of British Columbia
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada
Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto
Co-operative Staff Association of Central Ontario
Co-ordinators Association of Southwestern Ontario
Coral Co-operative Housing Corporation
Cordova Co-operative Homes
Core Artists Live-Work Cooperative
Corktown Co-operative Homes Inc.
Corner Brook Housing Co-operative Society Ltd.
Cornerstone Co-operative Homes (ON)
Cornerstone Co-operative Housing Ltd. (NB)
Cornwall Village Co-operative Housing Association
Corporation of the City of Brantford Housing Dept.
Couchiching Co-op Homes
Cougar Canyon Housing Co-operative
Country Hills Housing Co-operative
Country Lane Co-operative Homes Incorporated
Country Spirit Co-operative Homes of London Inc.
County of Wellington
Courtland Mews Co-operative Homes Inc.
Courtyard Housing Co-operative
Cove Housing Co-operative
Craigflower Housing Cooperative
Craigilea Housing Cooperative
Cranberry Commons Housing Co-operative
Cranberry Court Co-operative Homes
Cranberry Lake Housing Co-operative
Creekside Housing Co-operative
Creekview Housing Co-operative
Crestview Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Crossroads Co-operative Homes Inc.(ON)
Crossroads Housing Co-operative
Crossroads Housing Co-operative (NF)
Crossroads Housing Co-operative (NS)
Crown Heights Co-operative Homes Inc.
Crystal Beach Co-operative Homes Inc.
Crystal Grange Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Crystal Heights Co-operative Inc.(ON)
Crystal Heights Housing Co-operative (NS)
Cumberland Housing Co-operative
D.A.L.A.C.P.T. Housing Co-operative
D.S.I. Tandem Resources
Dale A. Holland
Dale Reagan
Dalhousie Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc.
Daly Co-operative Inc.
Dan Benedict Co-operative Homes Corporation
Danielle Cecile
Dauphin Retirement Housing Co-operative Ltd.
David B. Archer Housing Co-operative
David Lach
David Robertson
David Wetherow Housing Co-operative
Davidson Creek Housing Co-op
Dawson Court Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Dayfoot Family Co-operative Inc.
DeCosmos Village Housing Co-operative
Deer Valley Housing Co-operative
Deerfoot Estates Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Delta Green Housing Co-operative
Delta Place Co-operative Homes of London Inc.
Dentonia Park Housing Co-operative
Dereham Forge Housing Co-operative
Des Jardins Cooperative d'Appartement Limited
Desert Breeze Housing Co-operative
Devonshire Court Housing Co-operative
Devonshire Financial (London) Inc.
Devonshire Housing Co-operative
Diane Frankling Co-operative Homes Inc.
Diane Miles
Dieppe Housing Co-operative
Dobbin Housing Co-operative
Domego Housing Co-operative
Don Area Co-operative Homes Inc.
Don Quixote Co-operative Homes Inc.
Donna Charbonneau
Dove Co-operative Homes Inc.
Dovercourt Housing Co-operative Inc.
Drumlin Co-operative Homes Inc.
Dufferin Gardens Co-operative Homes Inc.
Dufferin Grove Housing Co-operative
Duffin's Creek Housing Co-operative
Dunbar Village Community Co-operative
Dunbrack Housing Co-operative
Duncan Mills Labourers Local 183 Co-operative Homes
Dundas Co-operative Housing Association Inc.
Dundee Court Housing Co-operative
Eagle Housing Co-operative
Eagleson Co-operative Homes Inc.
Eamon Park Housing Co-operative
East Whitby Co-operative Homes Inc.
Eastern Ontario Christian Seniors Co-operative Homes
Easton Housing Co-operative
Eastwood Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Eburne Landing Housing Co-operative
Ed M. Roscetti, Chartered Accountant
Ed Peterson
Edgeview Housing Co-operative
Edmonds Place Housing Co-operative
Eight Oaks Housing Co-operative
Eileen Tallman Co-operative Homes of Ottawa-Carleton Inc.
Ellen McGreal Housing Co-operative Inc.
Elm Court Housing Co-operative
Elmvale Housing Co-operative Homes Inc.
Elmview Estates Housing Co-operative Inc.
Emanuel Housing Co-operative
Emma G Housing Co-operative
Erin Court Co-operative Homes
Ernescliffe Non-Profit Housing Co-operative
Estrella del Sur Housing Co-operative
Evangeline Courts Housing Co-operative
Exandarea Meadows Housing Co-operative Inc.
Exploits Valley Housing Co-operative
Faethorne Place Housing Co-operative Inc.
Fairlea Park Housing Co-operative
Fairmount Housing Co-operative
Fairwest Housing Co-operative
Falcon Crest Estates Co-operative
Fallout Housing Co-operative
Falls Place Co-operative Homes Incorporated
False Creek Co-operative Housing Association
Federation de l’habitation cooperative du Quebec
Federation des cooperatives d'habitation de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Quebec
Federation des cooperatives d'habitation de Lanaudiere, des Laurentides et de Laval
Federation des cooperatives d'habitation de l'Estrie
Federation des cooperatives d'habitation de Quebec Chaudiere-Appalache
Federation des cooperatives d'habitation du Royaume du Saguenay Lac St-Jean
Federation des cooperatives d'habitation intermunicipale du Montreal metropolitain
Federation des cooperatives d'habitation monteregiennes
Federation intercooperative en habitation de l'Outaouais
Festival City Co-operative Homes
Fieldstone Co-operative Homes Inc.
Fife Road Co-operative Homes Inc.
Filcasa Housing Co-operative Ltd.
First Avenue Athletes Village Housing Co-operative
First Nations Housing Co-operative
Fletchers' Creek Co-operative Homes Inc.
Flip Flop Housing Co-operative
Forchu Housing Co-operative
Ford Keast LLP
Ford Road Housing Co-operative
Forest City Housing Co-operative
Forestwood Co-operative Homes Inc.
Forty-Third Housing Co-operative Inc.
ForWard 9 Community Development Housing Co-op
Four Corners Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Four Feathers Housing Co-operative
Four Mile Heights Housing Cooperative
Four Sisters Housing Co-operative
Frances Gardens Housing Cooperative
Frank Fairchild Housing Co-operative Inc.
Frank G. McLoughlin Co-operative Homes Inc.
Frank Long Co-operative Homes
Fraser River Place Housing Co-operative
Fraserview Housing Co-operative
Fraserview Towers Housing Co-operative
Frazer Heights Co-operative Inc.
Fred Dowling Co-operative Inc.
Freedom Housing Co-operative
Fresh Start Housing Co-operative
Friendship Housing Cooperative
Future Housing Co-operative
Garden City Housing Co-operative
Garden Court Housing Co-operative
Garden Square Housing Co-operative
Garden Village Co-operative Homes Inc.
Gardenview Co-operative Homes Inc.
Garry Point Housing Cooperative
Gateway Apartments (MB)
Gateway Co-operative Homes (ON-Barrie)
Gateway Co-operative Ltd. (PE)
Gateway Housing Co-operative (ON North Bay)
Genesis (London) Housing Co-operative Inc.
Genesis Housing Co-operative Corporation (ON-Timmins)
Genesis Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. (NF)
George Barlow Housing Co-operative
Gestion Dynapro Management Inc.
Get Together Housing Co-operative
Gilzean's Creek Housing Co-operative Inc.
Gimmie Shelter Continuing Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Glebe Non-Profit Housing Co-operative
Glen Gardens Housing Co-operative Inc.
Glen Mills Co-operative Homes Inc.
Glen Oaks Co-operative Homes
Glen Park Co-operative Homes
Glenburn Co-operative Homes
Glenn Abbey Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Glenn Haddrell Housing Co-op
Gneiss Housing Co-operative Inc.
Golden Horseshoe Co-operative Housing Federation
Golden Pond Housing Co-operative
Golden Terraces Seniors Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Goldridge Co-operative Housing Inc.
Grace Hartman Housing Co-operative Inc.
Grace MacInnis Housing Co-operative (BC)
Grace MacInnis Housing Co-operative Inc.
Grand Falls Housing Co-operative Society
Grand Marais Co-operative Homes Inc.
Grandview Co-operative Homes
Grandview Co-operative Housing Association
Granville Gardens Housing Co-operative
Green Stem Co-operative Limited
Greenheart not-For-Profit Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Greenhill Housing Co-operative
Greenland Housing Co-operative
Greenvale Co-operative Homes
Greenway Housing Cooperative
Griffin's Walk Housing Cooperative
Groupe Conseil en Developpement de l'Habitation
Groupe de Ressources Techniques Batir son Quartier
Grove Seniors Village Co-operative
Guelph Campus Co-operative
Guhbawin Co-operative Housing Inc.
Guildtown Housing Co-operative
Guise Street Housing Co-operative
H.O.P.E. Co-operative Housing (ON-Newmarket) Inc.
H.W. Flesher Housing Co-operative
Habitat Cooperatif St-Denys
Habitation Populaire Saguenay-Lac St-Jean
Halam Park Housing Co-operative Inc.
Haldimand Co-operative Housing
Halifax Peninsula Housing Co-operative
Halifax Women's Housing Co-operative
Halston Hills Housing Co-operative
Haney Pioneer Village Co-operative
Harambee Housing Co-operative
Harbour Channel Housing Co-operative
Harbour Cove Housing Co-operative
Harbour Manor Housing Co-operative
Harbour West Housing Co-operative
Harbourside Co-operative Homes Inc.
Harbourview Continuing Housing Co-operative
Harmony B Housing Co-operative
Harmony Creek Co-operative Homes Inc.
Harmony Haven Housing Co-operative
Harmony Housing Co-operative (NF)
Harmony Housing Co-operative (ON)
Harmony King Co-operative Homes Inc.
Harris Road Housing Co-operative
Harry Sherman Crowe Housing Co-operative
Harvest Moon Co-operative Homes Inc.
Hatley Park Housing Cooperative
Hawthorne Housing Co-operative
Hazelburn Co-operative Homes of Toronto Inc.
Hazeldean Housing Co-operative Inc.
Heath Street Housing Co-operative
Heatherglen Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Heatheridge Housing Cooperative
Heatherway Housing Co-operative
Hector Trout Seniors Housing Co-operative
Helen's Court Co-operative Housing Association
Hensley Green Housing Co-operative
Heritage Hills Housing Co-operative
Heritage Housing Co-operative
Heron Court Housing Co-operative
Herring Cove Housing Co-operative
Hickory Tree Road Co-operative Homes Inc.
High Hopes Housing Co-operative
High Meadow Park Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Highfield Park Housing Co-operative
Highland Homes Co-operative
Highland Housing Co-operative
Hillington Court Housing Co-operative
Hillside Housing Co-operative
Hillside Place Housing Co-operative
Hi-Wood Meadows Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Home Ownership Alternatives Non-Profit Corporation
Homestarts Incorporated
Homestead Housing Co-operative
Homeward Housing Co-operative
Horizon Co-operative Homes Inc.
Hoskins Housing Co-operative Inc.
Hospital Workers' Housing Co-operative
Housing Alternatives Inc.
Housing Managers Collective Inc.
Housing Nova Scotia
Housing Services Section & City of Greater Sudbury
Hoy Creek Housing Co-operative
Hromada Housing Co-operative
Hub International Limited.
Hubbard Court Housing Co-operative
Hubtown Housing Co-operative Limited
Hugh Garner Housing Co-operative Inc.
Humberview Housing Co-operative Inc.
Hunter Estates Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Hunter Hill Housing Cooperative
Huntington Place Housing Co-operative
Huron Pines Housing Co-operative Inc.
Huronia Family Housing Co-operative Inc.
Ida Vista Housing Co-operative
Ideal Housing Co-operative
Ideal Village Housing Co-operative Inc.
Iler, Campbell, Barristers and Solicitors
Indian River Housing Co-operative
Inn Roads Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Innisfree Housing Co-operative Inc.
Innstead Co-operative Inc.
Integra Housing Co-operative Limited
Interlake Housing Co-op (Teulon) Ltd.
International Ladies Garment Workers Union Housing Co-op.
Inti Housing Co-operative (1985)
Inukshuk Housing Co-operative
Island Continuing Housing Co-operative
Island View Housing Co-operative
Jackson Avenue Housing Co-operative
Jackson's Point Housing Co-operative
James Bay Co-operative Housing Association
Jarvis-George Housing Co-operative Inc.
Jasmine Place Housing Co-operative
Javelin Co-operative Homes Inc.
Jean-Yves Lord
Jenny Green Co-operative Homes
Jenny's Spring Housing Co-operative Limited
Jim MacDonald Housing Co-operative
Joanne Mick
Joe MacIsaac Housing Co-operative
John Bruce Village Housing Co-op
John Fitzpatrick Steelworkers Co-operative
John Hugh MacKenzie Housing Co-operative
John Moynahan Co-op Homes
Jon Harstone
Jubilee Housing Co-operative
Juniper Co-operative Community Housing Association
Kabuki Housing Co-operative
Kaien Island Housing Co-operative
Kailasa Housing Cooperative
Kalaka Housing Co-operative
Kaleidoscope Co-operative Homes Inc.
Kalmar Co-operative Inc.
Kanata Co-operative Homes Inc. (ON)
Kanata Co-operative Housing Association
Karla Skoutajan
Kaslo Gardens Housing Co-operative
Kawartha Village Co-operative Homes Incorporated
Keegano Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Ken Elliott
Ken McFarland, C.P.A
Kenfinch Co-operative Housing
Kensington Seniors Housing Co-op
Kerrisdale Crest Apts. Co-operative Association
Kespoogwit Housing Co-operative
Keswick Community Homes Co-operative Inc.
Kilbride Housing Co-operative Society Ltd.
Kilcooley Gardens Co-operative Inc.
Killarney Gardens Housing Co-operative
Kimroy Grove Co-operative Homes
King Square Housing Co-operative
Kingsfordhaus Housing Co-operative
Kingston Co-operative Homes Inc.
Kinross Creek Housing Co-operative
Kinship Housing Co-operative
Kippendavie Housing Co-operative Inc.
Kit Chapman
Kitsilano Terrace Housing Co-operative
Kitsun Co-operative Housing
Klahanie Co-operative Housing Association
Krisineleos Housing Cooperative
Kuanna Housing Co-operative
L. Simpson Management Services Inc.
La Casa Housing Cooperative
La Cooperative d'habitation Antigonish
La cooperative d'habitation Beauparlant
La Co-operative d'habitation La ChaumiËre Inc.
La Cooperative d'habitation La Seigneurie Inc.
La Cooperative d'habitation Vallee Ouest Inc.
La Paz Co-operative Homes Inc.
La Petite Maison Co-operative Housing Association
Labour Sponsored Community Development Group (Windsor and Essex) Inc.
Labourview Housing Co-operative
Laidlaw Housing Co-operative
Laird Hunter
Lake City Housing Co-operative
Lakeshore Gardens Co-operative Homes Inc.
Lakeshore Housing Co-operative
Lakeshore Village Artists' Co-operative
Lakewood Manor Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Lakewood Terrace Housing Co-operative
Lamplight Housing Co-operative
Landsberg/Lewis Housing Co-operative
Landview Housing Co-operative
Lang Cove Housing Cooperative
Lao Village Housing Co-operative Inc.
Larry Sefton Housing Co-operative
Las Americas Co-operative Homes Inc. (ON)
Las Americas Housing Co-operative (AB)
L'Auberge Co-operative Inc.
Laura Jamieson Housing Co-operative
Laurence Management Group Inc.
Lavender Housing Cooperative
Lavender Lane Co-operative Homes Inc.
Lawlor Court Co-operative Inc.
Lawrence Gardens Housing Co-operative
Le Coeur Housing Co-operative
Le Manoir St-Pierre Housing Co-operative
Les Maisons cooperative des Pins Gris Inc.
Les maisons cooperative Val Caron
Leta Brownscombe Co-operative Homes Inc.
Levellers' Housing Co-operative
Lewis & Collyer
Liberton Terrace Housing Co-operative
Liberty Housing Co-operative
Liberty Housing Co-operative (AB)
Liberty Housing Co-operative (NF)
Lighthouse Housing Co-operative
Lighthouse Non-Profit Homes Inc.
Little Falls Co-operative Homes
Little Pond Housing Co-operative
Local 75 (Hospitality Workers) Housing Co-operative Inc.
Lock Lane Housing Co-operative
Lois Miller Housing Co-operative Inc.
Lom Nava Housing Co-operative
London Town Co-operative Homes
Longhouse Housing Co-operative
Longview Housing Co-operative
Lore Krill Housing Cooperative
Lorentchia Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Lorigale Manor Housing Co-operative
Los Andes Housing Co-operative
Los Andes Housing Co-operative (AB)
Lotus Co-operative Homes Incorporated
Lower Cove Housing Co-operative
Loyalist Housing Co-operative
Lucas Cordeiro
Lundar Co-operative Senior Citizens Homes Inc.
Lynn Valley Co-operative Housing
M.A.P.S. Housing Co-operative
Machell's Corners Housing Co-operative Inc.
Maggie Keith
Magnum York Property Management Ltd.
Mahone Bay Community Land Cooperative
Main-Gerrard Community Development Co-operative
Maisons St. Jacques Co-operative
Manhattan Co-operative Housing Association
Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association
Maple City Co-operative Dwellings Inc.
Maple Creek Housing Co-operative
Maple Glen Housing Co-operative
Maple Grove Co-operative L'Erabliere Ltee Ltd.
Marcel Lefebvre
Marcil, Lavallee
Margaret Laurence Housing Co-operative Inc.
Margot Mandy
Maria's Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Marigold Co-operative Homes (ON)
Marigold Co-operative Housing Association
Marina Housing Co-operative
Marine Court Housing Co-operative
Marine Heights Co-operative Homes Incorporated
Mariner Cove Housing Co-operative
Mariner's Housing Co-operative
Mario De Giovanni Housing Co-operative
Mariposa Co-operative Housing
Marketview Housing Co-operative
Marlor-Maki Property Management
Marpole Terrace Housing Co-operative
Marshwinds Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Mary Campbell Housing Co-operative Inc.
Matheson Heights Housing Co-operative
Matthew Co-operative Housing
Matthew Kurtz
Mau Dan Gardens Housing Co-operative
Maurepas Village Housing Co-operative
Maurice Coulter Housing Co-operative
Max Saltsman Community Co-operative
Maya Housing Co-operative
Mayflower Co-operative Housing Association
McIntosh Run Housing Co-operative
McLean Co-operative Homes Inc.
Meadow Gardens Housing Co-operative (Man.) Ltd.
Meadow Highlands Mobile Home Co-operative
Meadow Walk Housing Co-operative
Meadowdale Community Housing Co-operative Inc.
Meadowgreen Co-operative Homes
Meadowlands Housing Co-operative
Meadowlark Housing Co-operative
Medina Housing Co-operative
Medway Housing Co-operative Inc.
Mel Swart Housing Co-operative
Melton Court Co-operative Housing Association
Meridian Co-operative Homes Inc.
Metro Housing Co-operative Limited
Metro Student Living Co-operative Ltd.
Metta Housing Co-operative Inc.
Midland Mountainview Family Co-operative Inc.
Midwich Housing Co-operative Inc.
Milliken Co-operative Homes Inc.
Mimico Co-operative Homes Incorporated
Miramichi Vista Housing Co-operative
Mission Cooperative Housing Association
Misty Ridge Housing Co-operative
Mitraniketan Housing Co-operative
Moccasin Flats Housing Co-operative
Mondragon Co-operative Homes Inc.
Monique Blanchet
Moonstone Co-operative Homes
Moose Country Housing Co-operative
Morley Mills Co-operative Homes Inc.
Mosaico (1985) Housing Co-operative
Moshav Noam Non-Profit Co-operative Housing Corporation
Mosquito Creek Housing Co-operative
Mountain City Housing Co-operative Inc.
Mountain Haven Co-operative Homes Ltd.
Mountain View Co-operative Housing Association
Mountmuir Co-operative Housing
Mt. Seymour Park Housing Co-operative
Muriel Collins Housing Co-operative
Naismith Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc.
Nakiska Co-operative Homes Inc.
National Association of Housing Co-operative (NAHC)
Native Inter-Tribal Housing Co-operative Inc.
Needham Housing Co-operative
Needlewood Glen Housing Co-operative Inc.
Neighbourhood Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Neighbours' Community Co-operative Homes Inc.
Neill-Wycik Co-operative College
Neilson Creek Housing Co-operative
Nelson Co-operative Homes Inc.
New Armdale Westside Housing Co-operative
New Brighton Housing Co-operative
New Brunswick Residence Co-operative
New Concept Housing Co-operative
New Dimensions Housing Co-operative
New Generation Co-operative Homes Inc.
New Hibret Co-operative Homes Inc.
New Life Management Services Inc.
Newfie Housing Co-operative
Newmarket Co-operative Homes Inc.
Niagara Neighbourhood Housing Co-operative
Niagara Peninsula Homes Community Resources
Niagara Regional Housing
Nick Sidor
Nick Van Dyk
Noons Creek Housing Co-operative
Noreen Dunphy
Norman Bethune Co-operative Housing Association
Norris Crescent Housing Co-operative
North American Students of Co-operation
North Arm Housing Co-operative
North End Family Housing Co-operative Limited
North End United Housing Co-op
North Harbour Housing Co-operative
North Mews Housing Co-operative
North Ridge Housing Cooperative
North Shore Housing Co-operative
Northbrook Village Housing Co-operative
Northern Alberta Co-operative Housing Association
Northern Harmony Housing Co-operative Limited
Northern Lights Housing Co-operative
Northern Way Housing Co-operative
Northtown Co-operative Homes Inc.
Northview Meadow Co-op Homes
Northwest Arm Housing Co-operative
Northwood Park Co-operative Homes
Norwest Place Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Nottawasaga Co-operative Homes
Nova Heights Continuing Housing Co-op Ltd.
Nova Housing Co-operative Inc.
Nova Vita Housing Co-operative
Nudondin Housing Co-operative
O.V.O. Housing Co-operative
Oak Bay Housing Cooperative
Oak Street Housing Co-operative Inc.
Oasis Co-operative Homes
Odyssey Housing Co-operative
Oikos Housing Co-operative Inc.
Okanagan Housing Cooperative Association
Old Grace Housing Co-operative ltd.
Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association
Ontario Works c/o City of St. Thomas
Orchard Green Housing Cooperative
Orchard Grove Housing Co-operative
Orchard Park Co-operative Homes
Orion Co-operative Housing Corporation
Ormond Woods Co-operative Homes Inc.
Oshawa Creek Housing Co-operative
Oshawa Valley Park Housing Co-operative Homes Inc.
Otter Creek Co-operative Homes Inc.
Our Maintenance Guy Inc.
Owen Sound Glassworks Development Co-operative Inc.
OWN Housing Co-operative Inc.
Pacific Heights Housing Co-operative
Pacific Park Place (1985) Housing Co-operative
Palace Place Co-operative Homes
Palisades Housing Co-operative
Paloma Housing Co-operative
Pan Americana Housing Co-operative
Parkfarm Co-operative
Parkview House Co-operative Inc.
Parkview Seniors Housing Co-operative
Pathways Property Associates
Paul Baker
Pawating Housing Co-operative
Payuk Inter-Tribal Housing Co-operative
Pearlgate Housing Co-operative
Peel/Halton Co-operative Housing Federation
Peggy & Andrew Brewin Housing Co-operative
Pembina Woods Housing Co-operative
Penta Co-operative Housing Association
People's Choice Co-operative Homes
Percy Heights Co-operative Inc.
Peregrine Co-operative Homes Inc.
Perth Avenue Housing Co-operative
Peter Secor Housing Co-operative
Peterborough Co-operative Homes
Pheasant Meadows Housing Cooperative
Phoenix Court Housing Co-operative
Phoenix Housing Co-operative Inc.
Pinafore Station Co-operative Homes Inc.
Pine Ridge Housing Co-operative
Pine Valley Housing Co-operative
Pinecroft Co-operative Homes Inc.
Pioneer Co-operative Homes Inc.
Pioneer Housing Co-operative Association
Pioneer Park Cooperative Housing Association
Port Colborne Co-operative Homes
Portside Housing Co-operative
Post 83 Housing Co-operative
Pownal Square Housing Co-operative
Prairie Housing Co-operative
Prairie Sky Co-housing Co-operative Ltd.
Precision Property Management
Prentice, Yates & Clark
Preston Heights Housing Co-operative
Pretium Engineering Inc.
Pretty River Villas Housing Co-operative
Primrose Housing Co-operative Inc.
Princely Housing Co-operative
Pringle Creek Co-operative Homes Inc.
Prism Co-operative Homes Inc.
Privateers Housing Co-operative
Pro Edge Management Inc.
Q.W. Page Associates
Quaker Hill Co-operative Homes Inc.
Quality Living Housing Co-operative
Quarry Co-operative Incorporated
Queens Avenue Housing Co-operative
Queens Park Housing Co-operative
Raiffeisen Co-operative Homes
Railyard Housing Co-operative
Rainbow Circle Co-operative
Rainbow Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Rainbow's End Housing Co-operative
Ramer's Wood Co-operative Homes Inc.
Ramsay Heights Housing Co-operative
Red Hill Co-operative Homes
Regatta Place Co-operative Homes Inc.
Regional Housing Co-operative
Regional Municipality of Durham, Housing Services
Regional Municipality of Halton
Regional Municipality of Peel
Regional Municipality of Waterloo
Regional Municipality of York
Reliance Home Comfort
Renate Place Housing Co-operative
Rene Daoust
Rengo Housing Co-operative
Residence cooperative du Centre multiservice francophone de l'West d'Ottawa Inc.
Richmond Community Management Services
Richmond Heights Housing Co-operative
Richmond Hill Housing Co-operative
Ridelle Co-operative Homes Inc.
Rishon Housing Co-operative
Rising Star Housing Co-operative
River Mist Housing Co-operative
River Woods Housing Co-operative
Riverbend Housing Co-operative
Riverdale Co-operative Houses (ON)
Riverdale Housing Co-operative (AB)
River's End Housing Co-operative
Riverside Garden Court Housing Co-operative
Riverside Landing Housing Co-operative
Riverwind Housing Co-operative
Robert Cooke Co-operative Homes Inc.
Robert Owen Housing Co-operative
Robin's Nest Co-operative Homes
Robson Park Co-operative Housing Association
Rochelandaise Housing Co-operative
Rockview Seniors Co-operative Homes Incorporated
Rocky Road Housing Co-operative
Roedean (Oakville) Co-operative Homes
Rogers Drive Housing Co-operative
Rooftops Canada Foundation
Rooftops Housing Co-operative
Rose Garden Co-operative Housing Society
Rosewood Crescent Housing Co-operative
Rosewood Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Rosh Pina Housing Co-operative
Rossland Ridge Co-operative Homes Inc.
Rouge Valley Co-operative Homes Inc.
Rougemount Co-operative Homes Inc.
Roundhouse Co-operative Housing Association
Royal City Housing Co-operative Inc.
Royal Oaks Housing Co-operative
Ruben Dario Housing Co-operative
Russet Homes Co-operative
Ryegate (Tecumseh) Co-operative Homes Inc.
S.A.M. Management Inc.
S.O.D. Housing Co-operative
S.O.S. Housing Co-operative
Saduke Housing Co-operative
Sahali Housing Co-operative
Salal Housing Co-operative
Salvador Housing Co-operative
Sam Greer Place Housing Co-operative
Samson Co-operative Ltd.
Sand Hills Co-operative Homes Inc.
Sandpiper Housing Co-operative
Sandy Hill Housing Co-operative
Saorsie Co-operative Homes Inc.
Sapperton Terrace Housing Co-operative
Sarcee Meadows Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Saskatoon Affordable Seniors Housing Co-operative
Sawmill Creek Housing Co-operative
Scarborough Bluffs Housing Co-operative
Scarborough Heights Co-operative Homes Inc.
Science '44 Co-operative Incorporated
Sean Campbell
Seaview Housing Co-operative
Seawalk Housing Cooperative
Secord Avenue Co-operative Homes
Sequoia Co-operative Homes Inc.
Seven Maples Housing Co-operative
Seven Oaks Gardens Housing Co-operative
Seven Oaks Village Housing Co-operative
Shalom Community Housing Co-operative
Shalom Gardens Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Shamrock Co-operative Homes Inc.
Shaughnessy Housing Co-operative
Shaw's Creek Co-operative Homes Inc.
Shepherd's Green Co-operative Homes Inc.
Sherwood Forest Housing Co-operative
Shiretown Housing Co-operative
Shriners Creek Co-operative Homes Inc.
Sidney Towers Housing Co-operative Inc.
Sikome Rise Housing Co-operative
Sills Landing Housing Co-operative
Silo Co-operative Homes Inc.
Silver Wood Housing Co-operative
Silverbirch Housing Co-operative
Silverwood Estates Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Simon Bolivar Housing Co-operative
Sitka Housing Co-operative (1985)
Skotoko Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Skyline Co-operative Homes
Smith and Tkaczuk Housing Management Services
Sojourn Housing Co-operative
Solid Roofs and Autonomous Roots Housing Cooperative
Solidarity Place Housing Co-operative
Solidarity Tower Co-operative
Solstice Housing Co-operative
South City Housing Co-operative
South East Saskatchewan Housing Co-operative Ltd.
South End Housing Co-operative
South Osborne Housing Co-operative
Southern Alberta Co-operative Housing Association
Southern Lights Co-operative Homes Inc.
Southgate Manor Co-operative Association
Spanish Bay Housing Co-operative
Spectrum Housing Co-operative
SPICE Management Group Inc.
Spirit of 1919 Housing Co-operative
Spirit Sands Housing Co-operative
Spring Ridge Co-operative Housing Association
Springfield Co-operative Homes Inc.
Springfield Seniors Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc.
Springhill Co-operative Homes
Springhill Ranch Housing Co-operative
Spruce Court Housing Co-operative
Spruce Housing Co-operative
Spruce Woods Housing Co-operative
Sprucewoods Co-operative Homes
Spry Sack Housing Co-operative
Spryview Housing Co-operative
Square One Realty Ltd/Economy Management
St Clare's - Monaco Place
St. Charles Co-operative Homes
St. Clair Meadows Housing Co-operative
St. Clare's Multifaith Housing Society
St. Croix Valley Housing Co-operative Ltd.
St. Isidore Housing Co-operative Ltd.
St. Martin's Co-operative Homes of London Inc.
St. Nicholas Housing Co-operative
Stanley Knowles Housing Co-operative
Stanley Noble Stronge Housing Co-operative
Stewart Court Housing Co-operative
Still Creek Housing Co-operative
Stirling Meadows Housing Co-operative
Stoa Co-operative Homes Inc.
Stone Church Co-operative Homes Inc.
Stonetown Co-operative Homes
Stoneworth Co-operative Housing
Strathcona Co-operative Housing Association
Strathcona Housing Co-operative (AB)
Stuart Thomas
Sue Moorhead
Sultan Street Housing Co-operative
Summerlea Park Housing Co-operative
Summit Village Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Sunbridge Housing Co-operative
Sundance Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Sundune Housing Co-operative
Sunnyhill Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Sunrise Housing Co-operative
Sunrise Place Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc.
Sunset Heights Housing Co-operative
Sunset Point Housing Co-operative
Sunshine Housing Co-operative
Superior Street Housing Cooperative
Superior View Housing Co-operative Inc.
Sutherland Place Co-operative Homes
Suzanne Martineau
Swansea Village Co-operative Inc.
Sylvie Moreau
Synala Housing Co-operative
Synergen Housing Co-operative Ltd.
T.C. Douglas Housing Co-operative
T.R.A.C. Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Tabby Town Urban Housing Co-operative
Tahwesin Housing Co-operative
Talisman Woods Housing Co-operative
Tamarack Co-operative Housing Inc.
Tamil Co-operative Homes Inc.
Tanglewood Orchard Co-operative Homes
Tannenhof Co-operative Homes Inc.
Tannery Gate Tower Co-operative Homes Inc.
Tapscott Village Co-operative Inc.
Taylor Creek Co-operative Homes
Tecumseh Co-operative Homes
Tenants Non-Profit Redevelopment Co-operative Inc. (TNRC)
Terra Cotta Housing Co-operative
Terra Housing Consultants Ltd.
Terra Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Terra Nova Housing Co-operative
Terrace Housing Co-operative Inc.
test nupur
The Agency for Co-operative Housing
The Apartment Housing Co-operative
The Birches Housing Co-operative Limited
The Brambles Housing Co-operative
The Chilean Housing Co-operative
The Community Housing Management Network Co-operative
The Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, Housing Assets
The Enfield Group Inc.
The Esquire Housing Co-operative Ltd.
The Friends Housing Co-operative
The George Taylor Seniors Housing Co-operative
The Grand House Student Co-operative Inc.
The Links Housing Co-operative
The Manor Housing Co-operative
The Maples Housing Co-operative
The Meadows Co-operative Homes Inc.
The Oaklands Housing Cooperative
The Oaklands Housing Co-operative (ON)
The Pas Valhalla Co-operative Ltd.
The Range Housing Co-operative
The Shediac Housing Co-operative / La Cooperative d'habitation de Shediac Ltee.
The Shefford Heritage Housing Co-operative Inc.
The Waterfront Consumers' Co-operative
The Zock Group
Thom Armstrong
Thorne View Co-operative Homes
Thornhill Green Co-operative Homes
Three Links Co-operative Housing (Barrie) Inc.
Three Streets Housing Co-operative Inc.
Thurlestone Co-operative Incorporated
Tidal Flats Housing Co-operative
Tilbury Centennial Housing Co-operative Inc.
Tim Welch Consulting Inc.
Tisdale Whitney Housing Co-operative Inc.
Tolpuddle Housing Co-operative Inc.
Tom Clement
Tom Ruggle
Tompkins Housing Co-operative Incorporated
Topshee Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Toronto Women's Housing Co-operative
Totem Housing Co-operative
Tower Heights Housing Co-operative
Trafalgar Co-operative Housing Association
Trafalgar Housing Co-operative Inc. (ON)
Tranquillity Place Housing Co-operative
Trent-Moira Co-operative Estates Inc.
Trethewey Drive Co-operative Homes Inc.
Tri-Branch Co-operative Housing Association
Trillium Housing Co-operative
Trillium Place Housing Co-operative
Tri-Sack Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Trout Lake Housing Co-operative
Troy Village Housing Co-operative
True North Housing Co-operative
Tumbler Ridge Housing Co-operative Association
Turner Street Housing Co-op
Twin Oaks Housing Cooperative
Twin Pine Village Housing Co-operative Inc.
Twin Rainbows Housing Co-operative
Tyee Housing Cooperative
Ujamaa Housing Co-operative Inc.
Unified Saint John Housing Co-op Ltd.
Unite de travail pour l’implantation de lodgement etudiant (UTILE)
United Counties of Leeds & Grenville
Unity Non-Profit Housing Corporation Ottawa
Universal Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Upwood Park/Salvador del Mundo Co-operative Homes Inc.
Valley Village Housing Co-operative
Vancity Savings Credit Union
Vancouver East Co-operative Housing Association
Ventura Park Housing Co-operative
Venture Housing Co-operative
Venture Place Housing Co-operative Inc.
Vera Housing Co-operative Association
Vesta Co-operative Homes Inc.
Victoria Gardens Housing Co-operative
Victoria Park Community Homes Management Project
Victoria Square Co-operative Apts.
View Court Housing Co-operative
Vihara Housing Co-operative
Viking Housing Co-operative Society Ltd.
Village Canadien Co-op Ltee.
Village Glen Co-operative Homes
Village Green Co-operative Homes Inc.
Vineyard Co-operative Homes Inc.
Waldon Place Housing Co-operative
Wallis Drive Housing Co-operative
Walnut Grove Housing Co-operative
Washington Co-operative Housing Association
Waterloo Co-operative Residence Incorporated
Watermark Co-operative Homes
Watershed Co-operative Housing Association
Waterside Housing Cooperative
Wellington Square Co-operative Homes Inc.
Wes Hosler
West End Cooperative Apartments
West Halifax Housing Co-operative
West Heritage Manor Housing Co-operative Ltd.
West Hills Co-operative Homes Inc.
West Humber Community Co-operative
West Rouge Housing Co-operative
West Scenic Acres Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Westboine Park Housing Co-operative
Westboro Housing Co-operative Inc.
Westerdale Housing Co-operative
Western Manitoba Seniors Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc.
Westglen Co-operative Homes of Brantford Inc.
Westminster Heights Housing Co-operative
Westminster Housing Co-operative (MB)
Westminster Housing Co-operative Inc. (ON)
Westminster Landing Housing Co-operative
Westmoor 57 Co-operative Ltd.
Westmount Community Housing Co-operative
Weston Residence Housing Co-operative
Westridge Estates Co-operative
Westwood Housing Co-operative
Westwood Place
Whattlekainum Housing Co-operative
Whippletree West Housing Co-operative Ltd.
Whitehorse Housing Co-operative
Whiteley Drive Housing Co-operative
Whiteoak Heritage Housing Co-operative
Wicklow Co-operative Homes
Wickwire Co-operative Ltd.
Wilcox Creek Housing Co-operative
Wilderness Park Housing Co-operative
William J. Beggs Housing Co-operative
William Lyon Mackenzie Housing Co-operative Inc.
William Peak Co-operative Homes
William Punnett Housing Co-operative Inc.
Willmar Eight Housing Co-operative Inc.
Willow Glen Co-operative
Willow Park East Housing Co-op Ltd.
Willow Park Housing Co-operative (Mb)
Willow Park Housing Co-operative (ON)
Willowside Housing Co-operative Inc.
Windfield Co-operative Homes
Windmill Line Co-operative Homes Inc.
Windward Co-operative Homes Inc.
Windy Woods Co-operative Homes of London Inc.
Wingale Housing Co-operative
Winkleigh Co-operative Housing Corporation
Winona Housing Co-operative Inc.
WISHS Housing Co-operative
Wit's End Housing Co-operative
Woburn Village Co-operative Homes Inc.
Wolfville Habitat Co-operative Ltd.
Women's Community Co-operative Inc.
Wood Tree Co-operative Inc.
Woodfield Housing Co-operative Inc.
Woodland Estates Housing Co-operative
Woodland Park Housing Co-operative
Woodrose Co-operative Homes Inc.
Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Incorporated
Wright Street Housing Co-operative Limited
Wyandot Co-operative Homes Inc.
Wyndham Hill Housing Co-operative Homes Inc.
Yarl Co-operative Homes
Yew Street Housing Co-operative
York Non-Profit Housing Society Co-operative
Yule Manor Co-operative Homes Incorporated
Not applicable
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